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 LUKE 10

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It’s been a strong time in Adelaide, South Australia. We started the trip with a One-day Kickstart and then went onto a Luke 10 Mission Trip immediately after. During the One-day Kickstart, we went to the beach, where the gospel was preached and people received prayer with immediate healing. The Holy Spirit led us to a man and his wife and when we met them, we found that they had recently come across Torben Søndergaard’s videos. They were so excited, so we invited them to join us and we took them out to pray for people on the streets. While we were showing them how to pray for people, the man shared that he desired to be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. So the disciples went through the scriptures and then laid hands and prayed for him. Then and there at the beach, the man was filled with the Spirit and began to speak in tongues. The man was amazed and blown away! We all began praising God at the beach.

When we arrived back at the Kickstart meeting venue, we shared testimonies and found that one of the women that received prayer at the meeting was healed from many years of neck pain and body pain. She testified how her neck and body had restricted movement but then she showed all the movements she could now do! It was amazing to witness the strong healing! Praise God!

After the Kickstart Meeting the Holy Spirit led us onto a Luke 10 Mission Trip. During the Luke 10 Mission, we were led into the city, where many people received prayer, healing and heard the gospel. This included a group of young guys that had pain in their body. First they were mocking but when one of the disciples rebuked the mocking spirit, the atmosphere shifted immediately and the mocking ceased. Then one by one, each guy that received prayer was immediately healed. Three men from the Sikh religion witnessed these healings so they approached the disciples and asked for prayer. They all had different types of pain in the body, so the disciples prayed for them and they were instantly healed too. They then listened intently as the disciples shared the gospel and that Jesus is the only Way, Truth and Life.

While coming out of the shops, other disciples crossed paths with three young men and asked them if they needed prayer. One of them had pain in his knee but the others said they didn’t have any physical pain but wanted prayer for other things. So right in the middle of mall, the three guys received prayer and experienced healing, freedom and burdens lift off. We then shared about Jesus and the gospel and the importance of turning away from sin. The next day, the guys met up again to hear more about Jesus. So we shared the gospel, repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, but also what it means to follow Jesus. It was so strong to witness how these guys were cut to the heart. One of them showed fruit of repentance and poured his alcohol down the sink. Then the day after, two of the guys made a decision to get baptised and follow Jesus. It was amazing to see this all happen in a few days! We met again at the beach and the two young men were baptised in water for the remission of their sins, dying to their old life! Filled with the Spirit and speaking in tongues

Meanwhile on the shore, an onlooker was passing by. He noticed a group on the beach on a cold windy day watching other people standing in the ocean.

“This must be a baptism!” The man thought to himself and came closer to see what was happening. Being touched by the baptism, the man had tears well up in his eyes, as he felt God’s presence and love. We then invited the man to join us after and later found he needed prayer for healing from tremors and pain.

What was encouraging to witness is the discipleship that happened with the two young men that were just baptised. After their baptism we equipped them to pray to heal the sick. First they prayed for their friend who had a shorter leg and back pain and their friend was healed. Then again with such simple faith the new disciples prayed for the man we met at the beach. A strong healing happened and this man received relief from pain for the first time after 20 years and the tremors in his hands significantly reduced. The man was so filled with hope and experienced God’s love very strong during the prayer. He shared how during the prayer he received healing, but also experienced a freedom from fear and this changed his life. Tears began to fill his eyes and we were all amazed and praised God together

So much happened in Adelaide, with many other testimonies from the trip. It was an encouraging time! We also had some challenging uncomfortable nights, sickness and spiritual attacks, but the Lord strengthened us through it all. Praise God! 

We managed to capture some of these strong moments on video, so stay tuned for the upcoming video testimonies of the trip. 


 LUKE 10


It’s just been amazing seeing God’s provision and how He has been leading us in Perth. We had no plans and no accommodation, but we were led by the Holy Spirit, to do a Luke 10 Mission Trip. We learned to be content living and sleeping in a bus, but also trusted that God would provide and lead us to persons of peace.

The Lord opened up opportunities to preach the gospel and pray for people in their homes. The Holy Spirit moved strongly at a bakery. We were blessed with an abundance of freshly baked Filipino bread. The shop owner and two customers were believers in Jesus and had repented and were water baptised, but hadn’t yet received the Holy Spirit. So we prayed for them and all three received freedom and were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues immediately.

We were led to the marketplace and found two believers evangelising and met the Market Manager. The manager heard what we were doing and generously fed us with chicken and gourmet pizzas. He later invited us into his brother’s house that evening. We entered the home and met a home fellowship group. They welcomed us and set a table before us with seafoods, many dishes and desserts. We shared the gospel, prayed and ministered to them until 3.30am! The next morning they sent us off with more food for the trip. The man and his household were moved by God and blessed us by covering the costs for the bus hire. So God provided for the bus!

We then travelled South and were invited into a home to share with three house church fellowships. God provided through two women and we stayed in a house, had showers and an abundance of food provided. We shared the gospel and the Luke 10 teaching with the churches; having a heart to encourage, minister and equip the believers there. A woman who had foot pain for 6 months was healed and a man that had slipped disks and a sciatica nerve experienced healing. Some believers were stirred and wanted to be kickstarted, so we equipped them to heal the sick and share Jesus.

Driving back to Perth, we met a guy at the petrol station, we prayed and he was healed of back pain in front of all his friends. Later we entered a house with a small group of believers. We shared testimonies and people received freedom. After this, we stayed in the bus again, but God provided us warm showers at a nearby beach. Whilst charging our phones at a shopping centre, we came across a woman with a moon boot. We prayed, the woman was healed and took off her moon boot and started walking up and down the shopping centre. As we openly shared about Jesus, a business woman on her laptop overheard and was encouraged and wanted to know more, so some disciples prayed with her and shared.

On the last day at Perth Airport, a woman came up to us, we prayed for her and her husband. They were shocked at the immediate healing and we shared Jesus and the gospel to them.

We had no plans in Perth, but God led everything! It was amazing to experience His faithfulness, as we learned to be content in plenty and in lack. There was some challenging times sleeping in the bus in the cold and rain, some attacks of sickness and opposition, but God is faithful and His Word is true! We met persons of peace, preached the gospel and people were healed, received freedom and received the Holy Spirit! Now we're back in Sydney and still amazed at how God provided homes to stay, showers, food and drink and even the bus for us in Perth. It was an amazing Luke 10 Trip, learning to trust in God each step of the way. Thank You Jesus!

See the video testimonies of the Perth Luke 10 Trip on our YouTube Channel below: 

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